Music Dance and Drama Parties

Boogie Beat Banstead and East Surrey, music and movement, parties for 1-6yrs

Drummotivator, high energy, fun, interactive drumming parties, for all ages

Froggle Parties, games, dancing, story telling, balloon models, prizes, bubbles

GObounce parties, energetic, fun kids dance and disco parties, to any theme

Hartbeeps, at your home or The Magical Enchanted Forest, South Nutfield, 0-5yrs

Jingle Bugs parties, music and lots of fun! 1-5yrs, call Nina

Kicks Dance, fun, themed dance parties, Redhill/Reigate, 18mths-11yrs

Lucky Dip Disco with award winning entertainer Mr Manic playing music and games

Perform Parties, high energy, fun, totally infectious, themed, 4-7 and 7-12yrs

Pipsqueaks Performing Arts, interactive games and musical fun, Banstead, 1-10yrs

RSB Dance parties, all styles of dance at very competitive prices

Star Dance Academy, dance parties for children aged 5yrs+

Star Steppers Dance Parties, Street Dance, Pop Songs and Games, 4yrs+

Tiny Tunes Parties, singing, bubbles, dancing, balloon-modelling, 1-5yrs

UV disco, games UV facepaint etc, 4-9 yrs,

Zapphire School of Dance parties for boys and girls, 16mths-16yrs

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