A-Z Support and Services

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2hr Family first aid classes in your home and at local venues inc choking & CPR

Achieve Together, support people with learning disabilities

ACT Surrey CC, therapy for children who have perpetrated sexual abuse

Action for Carers (Surrey), advice and support for young carers

Action for Carers Surrey, advice and support for adult carers

Action for Carers Surrey, for advice and support for young carers

Action for Carers Surrey, young carers service

Adoption South East, advice and support

Advice for Healthy kids: webinars, workshops and 1:1s by Nutritional Therapists

Anaphylaxis Campaign, supporting people at risk of severe allegies

Aquasafe Surrey, lifesaving and first aid at work courses, to suit all needs

Auditory Verbal UK, helping deaf babies and children listen and talk

Audrey Sandbank, family therapy for under 12s, Reigate

Autism All Stars Foundation, group for parents, Reigate Baptist Church, 1st Thur

Beat Eating Disorders Association, helpline

Beat Eating Disorders Association, youth and student line

Birchwood Medical Practice, Horley Health Centre

BRAAIN, ADHD, Autism (& SEN) Information Network for families/carers/profs

Brockwood Medical Practice, Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood

Brockwood Medical Practice, Rusper Road, Newdigate

Brockwood Medical Practice, Tanners Meadow, Brockham

Byfleet care clinic, our clinic is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

C-Card Scheme, SCC Youth Offer Team for young people, 14yrs+ (in R&B Borough)

CAMHS Community Team South East, Redhill and Tandridge

Carers Trust, offering support and information

Caroline Willacy, supports children with specific learning difficulties, Reigate

Caroline Willacy, supports children with speech and communication difficulties

Catalyst Support, drug and alcohol advice and counselling

Caterham Valley Medical Practice, Eothen Close, Caterham

Chatterboxes, speech and language therapy, 3-18yrs

Child Death Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age

Childline TEXTPHONE, for hard of hearing, online chat

Childline, FREE 24-hour helpline for children

Children and Family Health advice line, East Surrey

Children with Disabilities team, East Surrey

Children’s Physio Ltd, Paediatric Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy, home visits

CLAPA Cleft Lip and Palate Association, Surrey and South London

Clark SLT, speech and language therapy in schools and colleges

Clerklands Surgery, Vicarage Lane, Horley

Contact, for families with disabled children

Cruse National Helpline, bereavement counselling

CYPHaven, Mental Health Drop In for 10-19yrs, Redhill RH1 1HX

Diabetes UK, supporting everyone affected by diabetes

Diagrama Foundation, adoption, foster care and family support services

Dinkie Dannies, stillborn baby 3D hand & feet casts, from 20wks+

Dyspraxia Foundation Surrey, support for children and adults with dyspraxia

East Surrey ASLTIP Speech and Language Therapist group

East Surrey Counselling Group, child, adolescent, adult and couples, Godstone

Elizabeth House Medical Practice, Limpsfield Road, Warlingham

ESDAS, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Services

Every Child a Talker, 5 week individual course, Welcare Family Centre, Redhill

Every Child A Talker, 5wk course, The Red Oak Family Centre, call to book

Families Need Fathers

Family Mediation Surrey, family and neighbour disputes

Family Support, YMCA Horley Family Centre

Family Voice Surrey helps parents improve opportunities for their children

Firewise Scheme, working with juvenile firesetters

First Aid for Schools and Nurseries, private first aid training

Free Healthy Family Lifestyle Programme for 0-12s who are above a healthy weight, www.bybsurrey.org

General Register Office, bringing adopted people and birth relations together

Gingerbread, advice line for lone parents

Hartbeeps, multi-sensory play, 1-1, Enchanted Forest, South Nutfield, 0-5yrs

Hawthorns Surgery, Oxford Road, Redhill

Heads Together, free counselling, Horley Young People and Family Centre, 14yrs+

Heads Together, free counselling, Redhill, 14yrs+

Help with Talking, website to find a speech and language therapist in your area

Hillside Surgery, Boxhill Road, Tadworth

Holmhurst Medical Centre, Thornton Side, Redhill

Home-Start East Surrey, Redhill, Reigate, Horley, Tandridge, supporting families

Home-Start, Banstead, supporting thousands of families every year

Ieso Digital Health, online NHS CBT support

Independent Special Needs Advisor for families and professionals

Introducing Family Foods, The Red Oak Family Centre, call the health team

Introduction To Family Foods, starting your baby on family food, YMCA Horley FC,

Jigsaw (South East), a charity supporting bereaved children and their families

JP Parent Coaching, workshops, group and 1-2-1 coaching, Dorking and Reigate

Juunipa, creative, visual tutoring and touch-typing for dsylexia and SpLD

Kidscape, helping to prevent bullying and child abuse, national number

LGBTQ Rainbow Families Crawley and Horsham area, social and support group

Lingfield Surgery, East Grinstead Road, Lingfield

Little Talkers Ltd, speech and language therapy, online, at your home or school

Lorna Meech, speech and language therapist, face-2-face, online, Horley, 0-19yrs

Lucy Rayner Foundation, bereavement counselling for young adults, 16yrs+

Lucy Rayner Foundation, free mental health counselling for young adults, 16yrs+

Mankind Initiative, for male victims of domestic abuse, all areas

Mediation Surrey, community, intergenerational and coaching support

Meningitis Now, information and advice

MERU, custom and ready-made disability equipment for young people

Moat House Surgery, Worsted Green, Merstham

Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Road, Dorking, Mon-Thur 9am-4pm, Fri 9am-3pm

Multilingual Mums, friendship and mutual support

Mummy and Me, focusing on emotional wellbeing, Welcare Family Centre, Redhill

National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

National Autistic Society

National Autistic Society Surrey Branch, parent to parent support group

National Autistic Society, helpline for parents and carers

National Careers Service, careers information, advice, support for 13-19yrs

National Domestic Violence, 24hr helpline, FREE, confidential

National Dyslexia Network, assessment, tuition, advice, South East area

New House Surgery, South Street, Dorking

New Life, providing nursing care and equipment for children with disability

Next Step, Rent deposit help for young people 16yrs+, YMCA East Surrey

NextStep Rent Deposit Scheme at YMCA, individuals and couples,Tandridge area

NHS Earnsdale Clinic, Redhill, appointments or walk-in service

NHS Surrey I-Access, drug and alcohol service, Redhill

North Downs Hospital, private hospital, Caterham

NSPCC, helpline for adults concerned about a child

Oak Trees Psychology, support for children, adolescents and families, Redhill

One Step at a Time, 5 one-to-one play sessions, Welcare Family Centre, Redhill

Outline Surrey, helpline for gay youngsters

Oxted Health Centre, Gresham Road, Oxted

Parenting and other courses, Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns Rd, Dorking

Parenting Puzzle, YMCA Horley Family Centre, please call for details

Placenta Encapsulation, covering the South East

Pond Tail Surgery, Godstone Green, Godstone

PSDS, Downs Syndrome family support group, Outwood

QEF Care and Neuro Rehabilitation, Banstead

Relate Mid Surrey, counselling couples, individuals and families

Respect Phoneline, for perpetrators of domestic abuse

Respond, for children with disability who have experienced abuse or trauma

Riverbank Surgery, Westcott Street, Dorking

Roadpeace, support for victims of road crashes

SANDS, Surrey Helpline for the Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society

SEND Advice Surrey, impartial education advice for parents

SEND Revolution, support for parents and carers, navigating the SEND maze

Sense, support for deafblind people with complex disabilities

Shine Surrey, support for families affected by spina bifida or hydrocephalus

Sight For Surrey, sensory services for the visually impaired/hard of hearing

Skylight Counselling, confidential therapy, 12yrs-adult, Dorking

South East Surrey Dyslexia Association, NHS helpline

South Park Surgery, Prices Lane, Reigate

SPA Crisis Line, for people with mental health problems

St John Ambulance, first aid training and courses

St Peters House Project, for people affected by HIV

Stop It Now! To help prevent the sexual abuse of children, freephone

SupportLine, confidential emotional support for children and young adults

Surrey CC, C-SPA, for concerns about a child or young person

Surrey CC, C-SPA, for concerns about a child or young person, out of hours

Surrey County Council Fostering, recruitment line

Surrey County Council Youth Development Service

Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care helpline for confidential support

Surrey Family & Mediation Services, free child inclusive mediation

Surrey First Aid Training, emergency pediatric courses

Surrey Needle Exchange, Surrey and Borders Partnership (in community pharmacies)

Surrey Speech Therapy Ltd, fun, engaging assessment and therapy for 2-11yrs

Tadworth Medical Centre, Troy Close, Tadworth

The Brigitte Trust, home support for families facing serious illness

The Compassionate Friends, offering support on the death of a child of any age

The Eikon Charity, support and life skills for vulnerable young people

The Leith Hill Practice, Northbrook Surgery, South Holmwood

The Leith Hill Practice, The Old Forge Surgery, Capel

The Lullaby Trust, for anyone suffering a sudden or unexpected death of a baby

The Mix, confidential youthline for advice on money, drugs, jobs, health & more

The Modern Fatherhood Club, a space designed for fathers to connect, share & learn from one another

The Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group

The Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled, aids and equipment

Townhill Medical Practice, Guards Avenue, Caterham

Unique, Understanding Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders

Versus Arthritis, living well with arthritis

Victim Support East Surrey, free out of hours supportline

Victim Support East Surrey, victim and witness care

Victim Support Surrey, free and confidential help for victims of crime

Wall House Surgery, Yorke Road, Reigate

Warlingham Green Medical Practice, Church Road, Warlingham

Wayside Surgery, Russells Crescent, Horley

Welcare Family Centre, Redhill, call for details

Welcare Family Centre, Redhill, please call to book an appointment

Woodlands Road Medical Centre, Redhill

YMCA Heads Together free counselling 11yrs+ across East Surrey

YMCA Yippee, Reigate, (5-11)/Yip4youth (12-18) after-school, weekends, holidays

Your Sanctuary, advice, support, refuge accommodation

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