Preschool Nurseries & Playgroups

Adventure Preschool, Carshalton, age 2 to 5 years

ASSC Playgroup, rear of 118-146 Morland Rd, Addiscombe, 2½-5

Bandon Hill Playgroup, Sandy Lane North, 2-5yrs

Base Zero Preschool, The Forum, Forestdale, 2-5yrs

Belmont Village Pre-School, Northdown Road, Sutton, 2½-5yrs

Bluebells Pre School, Coulsdon Comm Centre, Coulsdon, 2-5yr

Brambles Pre School, Carshalton, ages 2-5y

Building Blocks Preschool, Purley, 2½-rising 5yrs

Busy Bees Preschool Nursery, S Croydon, 2-5

Busy Bees Preschool, Carshalton Athletic Football Club, 2yrs

Butterflies Preschool, St Mary’s Church Ha, Old Coulsdon,2-5

Castle Day Nursery, Sanderstd Mem Hall, Purley Oaks Rd, 2-5y

Castle Day Nursery, St Edmonds Hall, Sanderstead, 2-5y

Caterpillar Preschool, Benhill Rd, Sutton, 2½-5y

Cedar Tree Preschool, Ruskin Ho, Coombe Rd, Croydon, 2-5

Cheam Baptist Church Preschool, Malden Rd, 2½+

Cherubs Preschool, Newminster Children’s Centre, ages 2-4y

Chipstead Preschool, Peter Aubertin Hall, age 2½ plus

Christchurch Fledgelings Preschool, Sutton, 2½-4yrs

Crosfield Preschool, Canterbury Rd, Croydon, 2-5yrs

Devonshire Nursery, Devonshire Avenue, Sutton, 3-4y

Early Learners Dy Nursery, rear of 62 High St, Croy, 6wk-5y

Fairlands Pre-school, Hopkins Hall, ages 2-5yrs

First Steps Preschool, Rose Hill, Sutton, 2-5yrs

Galaxy Explorer Preschool, Beddington, 2-5 yrs old, term time, 9:00am- 14:00pm

Happy Days Pre-school, Cooper Cres, Carshalton, 2-5y

Hillside Kindergarten, Sanderstead Hill, 2-5yrs

Holmwood Preschool, Wallington URC, 2½+

Hop Skip & Jump Preschool, Church St, Croydon, 2½+

Hop Skip & Jump Preschool, URC, E Croydon, 2½+

Hop Skip & Jump, Christ Church, W Croydon, 2½+

Humpty Dumpty Preschool, New Rd, Mitcham, 2-5y

Jelly Beans Pre-school, Northey Ave, Cheam, ages 2-5y

Jubilee Preschool, Trinity Centre, Malden Rd, Wallington,2-5

Keston Nursery, Keston Primary, Keston Avenue, Old Coulsdon

Lavender Pre-school, Lindbergh Playcentre, Wallington, 2-5

Lavender Pre-school, Vill Hall, 1 Beddington Lane, 2½-5yrs

Learning Tree @Wolsey, Wolsey Infants, New Add, 18m+

Little Acorns Preschool, Church Path, Beddington, 2-5y

Little Angels Pre School, Limpsfield Rd, Sanderstead

Little Fishes, St Paul’s Church Centre, Northey Ave, Cheam

Little Panda’s Preschool, Salvation Army, Croydon, 2-5yrs

Millies Pre-school, Bingham Road, Addiscombe, 2-5y

Miss Elaine Early Years and Primary Montessori School Tutor 2-11yrs

Mulberry Bush Pre-School, Byron Centre, Coulsdon, 2-7

Parchmore Preschool, Thornton Heath, 2½ – 5yrs

Play BC Preschool, Elm Grove Hall, Wallington SM6, 2y+

Playdays Preschool Playgroup, Cedar Road, Sutton, 2½+

Purley Nursery School, Pampisford Road, Purley, 3-4yrs

Ripplies Preschool, Riverside Centre, 113 Culvers Ave, Carsh

Ruskin Road Preschool, Methodist Church, Carshalton, 2½y+

Seaton House School, Sutton, mixed 3-5yrs

Selsdon Baptist Church Preschool, Addington Rd, 2-5yrs

Sparkles Preschool, Wickham Rd, Shirley, 2-5yrs

Spencer Nursery School, Mitcham Junction, 3-5yrs

St Albans Preschool, St Albans Church Hall, ages 2-5yrs

St Antony’s Pre-school, Wentworth Way, Sanderstead, 2½-5

St Barnabas Preschool Playgroup, Sutton, 2½y+

St Oswald’s Preschool, North Cheam, 2½ – 5 years

Stepping Stones Preschool, Thornton Heath, 2-5yrs

Sutton Opportunity Pre-School, Grange Children’s Centre

The Ark @ Sherwood Preschool, Abbotts Rd, Mitcham, 2-5yrs

The Butterfly Patch Preschool and Day Nursery, Norman House Shirley

The Learning Tree @ Rowdown, Calleydown Cresc, New Add, 2-5

The Learning Tree @ Timebridge, New Addington

Thomas Wall Nursery, Robin Hood La, Sutton, 3-4y

Tiny Totts, St Francis Church, Tedder Rd, S Croydon

Tunstall Nursery, Tunstall Road, Croydon, 2-4yrs

Whytebeams Nursery School, Purley, 2½-5 yrs

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