If you wish to request a copy of the personal data you have provided in your form submission; or to make corrections of any inaccuracies; restrict how we use your data; object to how we process it or ask for it to be deleted then please contact me: Dawn Bew [email protected]
Enhance your listing
Some features of the Family Grapevine listings are a premium option. Please mention in the last box if you are interested in finding out more about enhancing your listing, in a very affordable way, with bold, coloured text in the magazine and having an additional advert in the website directory.

New Business listing received from [field id=”29aaae6″].
Name: [field id=”name “]
Email: [field id=”email “]
Contact number: [field id=”message”]
Business name: [field id=”29aaae6″]
Business telephone number:[field id=”09d923c”]
Business email: [field id=”083fd3c”]
Business website url: [field id=”393296b”]
Business Facebook page: [field id=”d38770a”]
Your free listing text: [field id=”faeee1c”]
What category would you like to be listed in: [field id=”22baffb”]
Enhanced listing: [field id=”ea75181″]