Face and Body Company

Repair cafe

Lindfield Repair Cafe

United Reformed Church Lindfield

52 High Street, Lindfield, Sussex, RH16 2HL

04 May 2024

from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm

As well as offering all the usual repairs along with coffee and cakes, Lindfield’s Climate and Environmental action group, Fairer World Lindfield will have a presence once again. There will be lots to participate in with a quiz to help us understand what’s going on with climate change. The event will also provide an opportunity to think about one Green Pledge we could make in our daily lives that could bring about a small change to reduce our carbon footprint.

In the Kid’s Room there will be free Fairtrade chocolate tasting along with a short video about a cocoa farmer in Ghana, how cocoa beans grow and how we can contribute to a fairer world by buying ethical chocolate.

Remote part-time job opportunities
Pip Organic
Fables World