Baby Groups, Family Fun, Signing & Communication

Sing and Sign, Dorking, Leatherhead and Ashtead

Hi, I'm Melissa and I run Sing and Sign classes in Dorking, Leatherhead and Ashtead. I attended Sing & Sign classes with all 3 of my little people, and although I was sceptical at first it really did revolutionise how my babies were able to communicate with me - and be understood by me and other people around them!

Our classes are run termly and follow a similar format each week, with the same group of parents and learning new key signs each week - we learn best through songs, rhymes and fun props - including our class mascot Jessie Cat who never fails to make the babies smile.

Read on for more info below - I do hope you will join us!

Melissa xx

Signing is a great way to communicate with your baby well before they can speak. You'll be amazed at how much they have to say with their hands! Once they can they'll be able to ask for milk, nappy changes and 'talk' about the sounds they hear or animals they see, and the best bit.... you'll be able to understand! Improving communication like this really helps reduce frustration for you both and also gives so much enjoyment.

At our classes you'll learn baby signing through music and song; some familiar and some original, using instruments, props and pictures. You don't need any experience or prior knowledge of sign language to join the course and you don't need to be able to sing! Classes are small and relaxed, friendly and supportive.

Click here to find out more and join us!

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