A-Z Support and Services

Action for Carers Surrey, information for carers, enabling them to have a voice

Adoption South East, adoption and post adoption counselling

AFASIC, helpline, for young people with speech and language problems

Al-Anon Family Groups, helpline for anyone affected by someones drinking

Alateen, support for 12-17 years affected by someone’s drinking, helpline

Alateen, support for 12-17yrs affected by someone’s drinking, helpline

Alcoholics Anonymous, local meetings, national helpline, free number

Antibullying Alliance, alliance of 60 organisations

Antibullying Alliance, coalition of organisations working together

Ashtead Osteopathy and Natural Health Clinic

Ask Brook, sexual health and wellbeing for under 25s

Assessment, therapy, for children with communication/feeding problems, T Ditton

Asthma UK, support and advice from asthma nurses, Monday-Friday

Auditory Verbal UK- helping deaf babies and children listen and talk

Beat (Eating Disorders) youthline, support and advice, 365 days a year, 3-10pm

BLISS, for babies born premature or sick, helpline

BRAAIN, ADHD, Autism (& SEN) Information Network for families/carers/profs

Breast Cancer Care Helpline

Brief Lives – Remembered, Children’s Remembrance Book and support

Broken Rainbow UK, support for LGBT experiencing domestic violence

Bullying UK, find reliable information on a variety of issues

Care Management Group and Regard, support people with learning disabilities

Catalyst, helpline and access to support for users of alchol or drugs

CEOP, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, advice for everyone

CEOP, Child Exploitation/Online Protection Centre, advice for everyone

Chatterboxes, independent paediatric therapy, covers East Surrey area

Chatty Cherubs Speech and Language Therapy for 2-5 years, Thames Ditton

Child Autism UK, realising potential, ring for advice or support

Child Clinical Psychologist, for emotional/behavioural needs

Child Death Helpline, if affected by child death, from mobile 0808 800 6019 or

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, advice for everyone

Child Growth Foundation, suspected or diagnosed growth problem

Child Support Agency, national helpline number

Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN), information, guidance and support

Childline (FREE call), 24hour help

Childline, FREE CALL, 24 hour helpline, talk to specially trained listeners

Childnet, hub with tips and advice for young people aged 11-18

Children and Family Health Surrey, 0-19 advice line, development, parenting

Children’s Heart Federation, helps children with heart defect and their families

Children’s Physio Ltd, Paediatric Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy, home visits

Children’s Physio Ltd, paediatric physiotherapy, neurodisability, Bobath Trained

ChiroLife, whole family care, Weybridge

CLAPA, Cleft Lip and Palate Association, ring for Surrey area

Clinical Psychologist, Assessment and Therapy (brief or long-term), Weybridge

Community Safety Officers, Epsom and Ewell

Confidential Open Access Sexual Health Clinic, Merritt Medical Cnt, Chessington

Contact, help and support for families with disabled children

Counselling for 10-18 yr olds-‘iRelate’.Call Relate West Surrey

Counselling, Adults, Adolescents and Children; knowledge of a range of issues

Crimestoppers, call anonymously with information about crime

Cruse Bereavement Care, Helpline, national number

CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), raising awareness and support

Cystic Fibrosis Trust helpline

Dads Support, resources for dads and dads-to-be, NCT enquiry line

Daisy First Aid Elmbridge, Parent/Childcarer first aid classes, various venues

Diabetes UK Helpline, specialist information and advice

DICE, Disability Information Centre, Epsom Hospital number

Domestic Abuse Outreach Service, N. Surrey branch (Epsom, Elmbridge)

Domestic Violence-if you are in immediate danger, call

DrugFam, support for those affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use

Dyslexia Helpline, S E Surrey Dyslexia Association

Dyspraxia Foundation Surrey, support for children to 18 years with dyspraxia

Early Bird First Aid, courses for every age, various venues

East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services (ESDAS), advice, support and information

Elevate Eleven, small group, Dyslexia support

Elmbridge Community Link, enriching lives, 16 years+

Endometriosis UK, Helpline, free confidential information and support

Epsom and Ewell Community Alarm Service

Equality Advisory & Support Service, issues relating to equality/human rights

Families Anonymous (FAMANON), support for families/friends of drug users

Families Need Fathers, help/advice, keep families in contact, national helpline

Family Lives, help and support in all aspects of family life

Family support for children with autism and other additional needs

Family Support Outreach, for families who need a little extra support, Bookham

Family Voice Surrey, to help parents improve opportunities for their children

Fatherhood Institute, The UK’s Fatherhood ThinkTank, policy, research, practice

Fertility and maternity, reflexology for induction, Leatherhead

Fertility Network UK, for anyone who has ever experienced fertility problems

First Aid for Parents, Carers. Periodically through the year, Bookham

First Aid Training, parents and nurseries, across Surrey

Foodie Tots, healthy eating class for pre-school children, Weybridge/Cobham

For children with delayed speech/language development, from 2 years+, Esher

Fostering, Adopting, Recruitment line, Surrey County Council, freephone

Fussy eating advice and healthy eating for the whole family

Headway Surrey, support for head injured and families

Healthy Influence, dietary advice for children, Weybridge and Cobham areas

Home-start Elmbridge, support and friendship for families

Home-Start, Epsom/Ewell, helping young families under stress

Hope Again, for young people living after loss, freephone helpline

i-access, support/treatment for those with alcohol/drug problems

JP Parent Coaching, workshops, group coaching & one-to-one coaching for parents

Julian Batcheler, registered osteopath, children of all ages treated, Epsom

Kids Nutrition Surrey, therapy for kids, group talks and 1-2-1 consultations

Kidscape, helping to prevent bullying and child abuse, parent adviceline

Kidshealth, parents be aware of what your children see and hear on the Internet

Leatherhead Hospital, sexual health clinic, by appointment

Macmillan Butterfly Centre, for anyone affected by a diagnosis of cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support – Freephone

Mankind Initiative, for male victims of domestic abuse, all areas

Mary Cobb Counselling, adults, children, teenagers in Leatherhead

Mediation North Surrey, helping resolve community disputes

Men’s Advice Line, advice/support for men in any abusive relationship, freephone

Meningitis Now, helpline

MERU, designs and makes custom-made disability equipment

National Association for Children of Alcoholics

National Association of People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC), support

National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

National Autistic Society (NAS), Surrey Branch

National Autistic Society Surrey Branch (parent to parent support group)

National Autistic Society, family support in Surrey

National Autistic Society, Helpline, Freephone

National Careers Service, for 13-19yrs, Call Free Phone

National Debtline, free confidential/independent debt advice

National Domestic Violence 24 hour Helpline, FREE, Confidential

Newlife Clinic, Home of Fertility, Immunology and Women’s Health, Epsom

Newlife, The Charity for Disabled Children, FREE nurse helpline

NHS 111, 24 hr nurse advice and health information

NHS Pregnancy Smoking Helpline, be smoke free when pregnant

NSPCC, National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, adults call

NSPCC, National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, if under 18 call

O2 and NSPCC, talk to someone about your children’s online safety

Outline, Helpline for LGBT youngsters in Surrey

Parental Choice, nanny tax payroll, advice to nannies and childcare options

Parenting Courses, contact Bookham Children’s Centre for details

Parenting/SEN support/advice for families, Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre

Positive Play Programme, for preschoolers with behavioural problems

Private basic first aid course for babies and children in Leatherhead

Rainbow Trust, for terminally ill children and offering family support

Rainbow Trust, for terminally ill children and their family

Relate Mid Surrey, couple, family, young people, sexual therapy, Epsom

Relate, Relationship Counselling, West Surrey

Rett UK, Rett syndrome is a rare neurological disorder affecting mainly females

Runaway Helpline, FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, under 18’s, be safe

Samaritans, call us free any time, from any phone

SANEline, mental health helpline, open 4:30pm to 10:30pm

Scope, supporting parents of children with disablities, free helpline

Sense, for deaf blind people, telephone or text relay

Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity, national helpline

SHINE Surrey (was Surrey Association for Spina Bifida/Hydrocephalus)

Shooting Star CHASE Hospice Care for Children, Surrey, SW London, W Sussex

Short Break Scheme, practical support for families with a child with disability

Sickle Cell Society, disorder of the haemoglobin in the red blood cells

Sight for Surrey, Voluntary Association for the Visual Impaired

Skill, National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, website only

SSAFA Forces Help, assisting the families of servicemen, helpline

St John Ambulance First Aid and Care Courses, regional information

STEPS Charity, lower limb conditions, national helpline

Supportline, confidential emotional support to children and young adults

Surrey Against Domestic Abuse helpline, advice, support and refuge accommodation

Surrey Care Association, supporting social care providers in Surrey

Surrey Care Trust, helping vulnerable people

Surrey Care Trust, provides learning, training and mentoring to young people

Surrey Community Action, communities working together

Surrey County Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, any serious concern

Surrey County Council Multiagency Safeguarding Hub, for any serious concern

Surrey County County Multiagency Safeguarding Hub, for any serious concern

Surrey Disabled Partnership, freedom, choice and independence for everyone

Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care, 24hr/365 day helpline, support/options

Surrey East Cruse Contact Line, how to get support, Epsom, Ewell & Mole Valley

Surrey Family and Mediation Services, based Epsom and Esher

Surrey First Aid Training, training for groups and individuals

Surrey GP out-of-hours service

Surrey Local Offer, online hub for 0-25 year olds


SURREY SANDS, Stillbirth and Neo-natal Death Society

Surrey Wide 0-19 Advice Line, for your nearest drop in or clinic

Surrey Young Carers, supporting young carers across Surrey

Talk To FRANK, confidential drugs advice, open 24 hours

Talk To FRANK, friendly, confidential drugs advice, open 24 hours

The Compassionate Friends, support after the death of a child of any age

The Complementary Health Partnership, Claygate

The Counselling Partnership, offering low cost counselling locally

The Expressive Child, Speech and Language Therapy for children of all ages

The Gingerbread Single Parent Helpline, free call and confidential

The Lantern Centre, for parenting, child and family therapy, Bookham

The Lifetrain Trust, training/life skills for young people

The Mix, essential support for under 25’s, 4-11pm

The Mix, non judgemental support, free & confidential, 16 years+

The National Eczema Society, helpline

The Oasis Family Centre, support for children and families, Cobham

The Perthes Association, helpline for parents/professionals

The Pink Mile, a charity offering support to newly bereaved parents

The Princes Trust, develop your talent, 16yrs+

The Surrey Centre for Natural Health, Chessington

Tracy Tomkins Therapist: in Emotional Freedom Technique for Adults and Children

Victim Support for Surrey, free and confidential help to victims of crime

Voluntary Action Elmbridge, supporting voluntary and community work

Walton-on-Thames Child Contact Centre

Wanderlust Therapy, children’s physiotherapy available at home or school, call

Working Families, free legal helpine for parents and carers

Working Families, helpline advising parents rights at work

You Raise Me Up, support for families who’ve lost a young adult, 16-25yrs

Young Minds, improving wellbeing in young people

Young Minds, parents info service, improving wellbeing in young people

Youth Counselling Service, NHS, free, confidential, 12-24 years

YPC, Young People’s Counselling, for 10-25 yrs, Epsom and Leatherhead

Yvonne Owen, Maternity Reflexology, Epsom area

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