A-Z Support and Services

Adoption & fostering with Brighton & Hove City Council

Al-Anon Family Group, for friends & family of alcoholics, local Brighton & Hove groups

Allsorts Youth Project for LGBT & unsure young people, 5-25yrs, specific teen & primary age groups

Angie Bowles, private midwife, specialist in complex pregnancy & pregnancy loss, home visits

Baby and Child First Aid Courses at set venues or in your own home

Back 2 Balance, Hove, family chiropractor, paediatric & pregnancy specialist

Beat, Eating Disorders Association helpline

Birth, Baby & You, parent first aid workshops; First Aid ABC, training for childcare professionals

Breakeven, free support for anyone affected directly/indirectly by gambling related harm

Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Rd, Hove BN3 3BQ

Brighton & Hove City Council

Brighton & Hove Recovery Service, adult drug & alcohol services incl. housing & employment support

Brighton & Hove Sands befriending service for bereaved parents

Brighton General, Elm Grove, Brighton BN2 3EW

Brighton Japan Club

Brighton Oasis Project for women substance misusers, drink & drugs, & their children

Brighton Resource Centre, 6 Tilbury Place BN2 0GY, support services for community groups

Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project, Tilbury Place, advice centre, courses, creche, lunches

Brighton Women’s Centre, supporting women

Care to Learn Scheme, govt scheme for parents under 20yrs to help with childcare costs during study

Children with Cancer Fund, granting wishes to families whose children have cancer

Citizens Advice Bureau, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Rd, BN3 3BQ plus outreach venues

Coaching for children, families & professionals; Managing emotions & behaviours

Community Base, 113 Queen’s Road BN1 3XG, to find out more about community services

Crimestoppers, charity, help fight crime without revealing your identity

Crossroads Care East Sussex, Brighton & Hove office, Community Base, Queens Rd BN1 3XG

Cruse Bereavement Care, Community Base, 113 Queen’s Rd, Brighton BN1 3XG

Dad-La-Soul, support group for dad, monthly events with kids or/and social, Brighton & Worthing

Daisy First Aid, paediatric first aid courses for parents, carers, childcare providers & school

Deutsche Samstagschule, German Saturday School

Do you speak French? Join Les Franglophones, community group for French speaking families

Dr Jesse Ofori-Bull, Early Years Child and/or Parent Psychologist, Brighton

ESCC County Adoption Team, dedicated recruitment and advice team

Family Support Service for families attending the City Partnership for Education schools

Front Door for Families, central BHCC service combining all family support agencies in the city

Front Door for Families, for members of the public worried about a child’s welfare

Gloji, helping families live healthier lives, free, fun family programmes across the city & online

Hangleton Multiples (birth), toddler group, Hangleton Family Hub BN3 8BW, Thu 12-2pm, U5s

Healthwatch Brighton & Hove, information about health & social care

Healthy Child Clinic, Hangleton Family Hub, by appointment only

Healthy Child Clinic, Moulsecoomb Family Hub, by appointment only

Healthy Child Clinic, North Portslade Family Hub, by appointment only

Healthy Child Clinic, Peacehaven Family Hub (by appointment only)

Homestart Reflective Domestic Abuse Course, to help victims understand their experience

Honey Lansdowne, Advanced Hypnotherapist helping Sussex live happier lives

Hove Customer Service Centre, Hove Town Hall, Norton Rd BN3 3BQ

Japanese Playgroup, Cornerstone Community Centre, Hove, Friday 4.20-5.20pm

Joe Atkinson, coaching for parents and mentoring for Children

Krokodyl Polish Group, 0-4yrs, learn through play & singing

Language Garden, community group for German speaking families in Sussex

Lucy Francis Nutritionist, specialising in hormonal, gut & skin heath, disordered eating support

Mediation Plus, accredited community mediation training & volunteer opportunities

Mediation Plus, supporting separating couples, young people & neighbours in dispute

Mini First Aid East Sussex, Brighton & Hove: award winning courses for all ages

Money Advice Plus, supporting those experiencing difficulty managing their money/financial affairs

Mothers Uncovered: A creative support network for mothers & workshops, some free

National Domestic Violence Helpline, partnership between Refuge & Women’s Aid

NHS Choices, non emergency medical advice

NYAS, for young people with disabilities or in need

Rainbow Families, informal social group supporting LGBTQ parents in Brighton & Hove

Red Cross First Aid Training, Unit 1A St Joseph’s Business Park, Hove

Relate Brighton, 58 Preston Rd BN1 4QF

RISE, helps people affected by domestic abuse with practical solutions

Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BE

Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BE

Salvation Army Twins (Multiple Births) Club, Park Crescent Terrace, Fri 10-11.30am

Smile Works, private dental clinic in Brighton & Hove, off Dyke Rd, free onsite parking

Sophie Thwaites, OT, helping children to read, write, sit still and coordinate their bodies

SPIN (Single Parent Information Network), information sharing network including meetups etc

SRCC Kalinka, Russian speaking language classes & cultural events

St John Ambulance, Crowhurst Rd, Hollingbury, paediatric first aid training courses

St Luke’s Advice Service, Exeter St, welfare, debt, housing, relationships etc assistance

Starjumpz, diagnostic assessment & treatment for children experiencing challenges, Brighton

Survivors’ Network, helpline & counselling for survivors of sexual violence & abuse

Sussex Eye Hospital, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BF

Sussex Police, non emergency incidents, report on line or call

Teenage Meditation 13-19yrs & calm, confident tweens 9-12yrs, Tree of Life Hove

Teenage Pregnancy Liaison Midwifery Service

The Caring Instinct, parenting support, solutions for families rooted in developmental science

The Samaritans, Dubarry House, Newtown Rd Hove; confidential crisis support 24hr helpline

To Baby and Beyond – baby & child first aid courses at home

Toddlerology, troubleshooting & help with toddlers & older children

Tree of Life, Portland Rd Hove, pre/post natal acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, caesarean recovery

Twin Parents meet-up, St Matthias PlayCafé Brighton, last Thur of the month, 10-12pm

Victim Support, independent charity supporting people affected by crime or traumatic events

Young People’s Centre, Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AE, activities, counselling, food, support

Youth Advice Centre, 11 St Georges Place BN1 4GB, support for 13-25yrs

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