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Baby & Childrenswear, Other Local Businesses and Services


SuperLooper is a clothing rental and recycling service to keep lovely, gently worn baby clothes in circulation longer.

There are 183 million items of outgrown baby clothes stored away in UK cupboards and we want to get those back into use and enjoyed by other families.

All the garments in our library have been given to us by parents and brands doing a conscious clear-out of things they don’t need anymore.  Try us out to save money, time and space, be kinder to our planet and keep your children looking super-cute!

Sign up as a SuperLooper member, order what you need/when you need for 30 days (or more) and the clothes will be delivered freshly laundered in your SuperLooper swag bag either by bike if you live in Brighton or by post to the rest of the country.

Oven wizard
Burgess Hill Girls