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A -Z of Pre-School Activities, Pre-School Music

Music for Aardvarks and Other Mammals

Sing a song, cut a rug and make a noise - it's 45 minutes of maraca shaking, stick banging, leg kicking, parachute waving, guitar sing-songing, teddy bear cuddling fun. Find out why Brighton and Hove Netmums voted Aardvarks their Favourite Preschool Class.

A friendly, fun and fertile musical experience that both children and adults really look forward to. Great songs, small classes, friendly atmosphere.

Brighton at the Unitarian Church, Thursdays & Fridays from 10am, suitable for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
Siblings half price.

Weekly, all year round, drop in classes with live original music book on happity.com
"I've tried other music groups but the way you structure your class & provide a seamless transition into a wide variety of music & activities is incomparable. Always have conversations with other Aardvarkers about how great it is. I've always thought of it as a shot of much needed espresso on a Monday morning. It's also a huge relief not to sing songs like the wheels on the bus - there are only so many times..." Vivienne's Mum, Brighton

Oven wizard
Burgess Hill Girls