The Queendom Within – Rewrite Your Fairy Tale and Create Your Own Happily Ever After

We have been reading The Queendom Within this week and wanted to tell you all about it.

It’s for women who despite their own successes, confidence and fulfilment in many parts of their life, can’t quite shake the idea that their ‘real life’ won’t truly begin until a loving partner arrives, or who are hoping their partner is the key to feeling fulfilled.

The Queendom Within is as much a guided program, as it is a memoir and companion for all women.

It’s 28 practical exercises are conveniently split into four key chapters, designed to support you to reconnect with yourself – and have plenty of fun while doing so!

So far, we’re on Part 1 – which is about rediscovering and defining in detail who you are and what you want out of your life, career and relationships. For so many of us thinking about these things is last on our list as we prioritise other people in our lives over ourselves, so taking the time to do is empowering to say the least!

The author Heidi Hauer was on Radio London recently talking about the book, listen here:

We love it, and Heidi has offered to give a copy away to one lucky Grapevine reader. Just enter on our competitions page here: Competition entries | West Surrey Family Grapevine (

The Queendom Within is available in Waterstones, Foyles and on Amazon, £12.99

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