
5 Expert Tips: A Guide to Bedtime Routine

If there's something all parents can relate to, it's sleep (or the lack of!). And it may come as a surprise to some people that 1 in 5 British children struggle to sleep at night.

With that in mind Busy Bees have put together this piece on bedtime routines which we think you'll find useful.

Looking for ways to get little ones ready for bedtime? Read our tips and advice on how to create a successful bedtime routine.  If there’s something all parents can relate to, it’s sleep (or the lack of!)

Each parent has different tried and tested methods of getting their little ones to drift off at bedtime. Each child is different, and different things work for everyone - something which is important to remember when parenting on little sleep!

So, if you’re reading this in the midst of a sleep regression, we hope some of the tips and advice we give will help you and your family to enjoy a blissful bedtime

Bedtime Routine Tips

  1. Begin with a bath

Running a nice warm bubble bath acts as a good signal that it’s time to start calming down, not only that, but the warm water should have a soothing effect on your little one.

If you’re looking for ways to change the time you start getting ready for bedtime gradually, bath time is a great place to start – keep them in for slightly longer, or run it slightly earlier or later.

  1. Pyjamas and Teeth

Fresh out of the bath, get them cosy in their sleepsuits or pyjamas, followed by brushing their teeth to help keep their pearly whites protected! This is also a great signal that it’s time to wind down for bed.

  1. Steer clear of screens

Turn off any TVs and put phones or tablets away in good time ahead of starting your child’s bedtime routine. The bright lights and noises can mean little minds are stimulated for longer, which can be a barrier to ensuring a smooth bedtime happens.

  1. Read books

Snuggle up on the sofa or in bed and read some soothing stories together. The sound of your voice reading may even send them off to sleep. Alternatively, your little one might prefer you to sing calming songs or lullabies to help them drift off – just ensure you’re keeping things quiet and tranquil.

  1. Keep timings consistent

A good night-time routine shouldn’t be adding to your already heavy workload as parents. For this reason, try to build it into your day – keeping timings tight and only letting the whole process last a set amount of time. It might take some time for your little one to get used to the routine but try to stick with it – consistency is often key!

Example Bedtime Routine for Toddlers

  • Turn screens off
  • Bath time
  • Put pyjamas on and brush teeth
  • Read stories or sing songs
  • Lights out for bedtime

Why Is a Bedtime Routine Important?
The set of repetitive and consistent actions you put into place creates a bedtime routine that provides children the time to settle bodies and minds after busy days, ready to wind down for a restful night’s sleep.

Not only do bedtime routines benefit children. Setting them up for a solid night’s rest, but this also lays the foundations to give you, as parents the time you need to recharge.
What to Do If Your Night-time Routine Isn’t Working
As we mentioned previously, no two children are the same, and as a result, no two methods will work the same way. If you find something that doesn’t fit with your family or lifestyle, change things slightly to discover what it is that isn’t working. More information and NHS guidance about baby’s sleep, and how much sleep a child should have, can be found here.

This might mean trying things in a different order or at other times. The age and developmental phase children are at will have a huge impact on their sleep, as they’ll be going through various physical and psychological changes throughout their early years. This may mean that your bedtime routine will change regularly, to suit your little one.

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