Music Teachers

Adaptatrap Percussion, tuition & instruments from around the world, 26 Trafalgar St

Brighton Rocks Guitar Lessons for all age groups, book a trial

Create Music, music lessons, choirs, orchestras, bands, ensembles, 5-18yrs

Drama Queens: private singing for exams &singing groups

Go Kid Music, Online Ukulele Class, 4-8yrs

Harp Academy, harmonica clubs, whole class and group tuition for EYFS and primary schools

Michele Scopes, Violin & Music Theory. Portslade, all ages & abilities

Music for all! Fun, simple, motivational. Flute, recorder, singing, ukulele!

Piano & cello teacher, adults & children from 5yrs+, Hove, lessons on baby grand

Piano lessons for all ages by experienced performer & music professional

Piano teacher, 1-2-1, specialising in beginners, adults & children; music theory to grade 5, 5 yrs+

Piano teacher, specialising in beginners, plus guitar, singing & song-writing tuition

Sing Confidently! 1-2-1 Singing Lessons. Build confidence & have fun! Hove, 6 yrs+

Singing & Piano Teacher, at your home or in my Hove studio, all ages & abilities

Sparker Studios, Tidy Street, North Laine, guitar, bass, drums & vocal tuition, all ages

The Music Doctor, Poets Corner, Hove, creative music tuition for all ages & abilities, 5yrs+

Under the Bridge Music, Brighton Station, singing & instrument tuition

Violin, piano & music theory lessons. Peacehaven, all ages & abilities; in person & online

Zylo Performance, guitar for primary schools

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