Induction Session @ HIGH SPORTS Climbing Centre in Brighton


A few weeks ago, we attended the induction session at High Sports Brighton Climbing Centre. We got together with some friends and were a group of 2 adults and 4 teens.  The induction session is really a great way to start at the climbing centre, especially if you don’t have any prior experience. Our lovely instructor Massy started by taking us through some preliminary safety features and then led us to the bouldering area.

Bouldering climbing is a more organic way of climbing which doesn’t require any harnesses or ropes. The walls are lower so you don’t climb as high and the routes are shorter, the area is also padded with crush mats. At this point some of us decided to change our footwear for climbing shoes which fit snuggly to the feet, and are more confortable for climbing.

We then put our harnesses and received a debrief on how to fit them and use the carabiner safely. All buckled up we were ready to move on to the auto-belay routes.

Auto-belay routes are routes fitted with devices that enables you to ascend and descend on a top rope without the need of another person. Massy took us through the next set of safety features and the series of checks that we had to follow for a safe use of the auto-belay and, a safe climb and descend. The teens had fun timing themself up & down, and comparing their scores.

Some of us also had a turn on the belay route, this time Massy was holding the top rope and guiding the climb from the ground. Needless to say, our induction session went in a flash, and we were offered to stay longer, which we were all very keen on!

At this stage, to be able to climb independently in the bouldering area and auto-belay routes, we had to pass a short test to make sure that we were clear with the instructions and safety steps we’d learned during our induction. Once the test passed, we were allowed to use these areas independently. Note that High Sports’ instructors are always around checking if climbers are safe, and are available to advise you if needed. You also get to see some serious climbing, which looks so, so cool, smooth and elegant (and easy, but not!), very inspiring!

We had an amazing time at High Sports, it was a great family day out, great way to make memories with our teens, which to be honest are getting rarer, as they are less keen to hang around with their parents!

The centre was buzzing and had such a good vibe, and the instructors and staff were super welcoming, approachable and friendly! We all came out looking forward to our next visit!

Things to know…
High Sports Brighton Climbing Centre
offers a range of options for kids climbing, starting from 4yrs+:

Climbing during the school holidays:
Pebble Intro: 4-7yrs, 1h sessions, ratio 1:4
Holiday Teen Climbing: 11-15yrs, 4.5h (10.30am-3pm), ratio 1:8
Induction Session: 14yrs+, 30min, ratio 1:6

Kids Afterschool Climbing club:
Wild Climbs: 4-7yrs, Mon/Wed pm & Sun am
NICAS: 7yrs+, daily Mon-Sun depending on the level

Kids Climbing Party:
Pebbles Climbing Party: 4-7yrs, 1hr, ratio 1:4
Climbing Party: 7yrs+, 1hr, ratio 1:6

Find more information at: or call on: 01273 558447

image credit: Brighton & Hove Family Grapevine

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