Cawston Press

The Family Grapevine

Celebrate Zero Waste Week with Seedball!

Garden meadow seedball mix

In celebration of Zero Waste Week, which takes place from the 2nd to 6th September 2024, sustainable rewilding company, Seedball proudly reflects on its environmentally-positive ethos. As a passionate not-for-profit organisation, that is dedicated to making a positive impact, Seedball is the perfect example of a company that lives and breathes the spirit of Zero Waste Week every week of the year!

Here, conservation scientist and co-founder of Seedball, Ana Attlee, shares how Seedball works towards its zero-waste approach and outlines its positive environmental contributions:

Sustainable Packaging and Peat-Free Compost

At Seedball, sustainability is the foundation of everything we do. When Emily and I launched Seedball, tour goal was to increase the abundance of native wildflowers and protect the wildlife that depends on them. We also knew that we had to consider the products we were producing to make sure they were sustainably created at every touchpoint. We are proud to say that all our packaging is fully recyclable and is made from sustainable materials, from the seed ball boxes to the grab bags and tins!

Seedball’s dedication to reducing environmental impact extends to the very core of our products. We only ever use peat-free compost when constructing our seed balls. This not only provides the right conditions for the wildflower seeds, but we’re also doing our bit to protect declining peatlands from further degradation.

Supporting biodiversity in the back garden

Each seed ball contains native wildflower seeds, contributing to the preservation of Britain’s indigenous blooms. By scattering seed balls, you are directly supporting and promoting biodiversity. All Seedball’s wildflowers are pollinator-friendly, creating habitats that attract and sustain a variety of beneficial insects, including bees, butterflies and other essential wildlife. This not only beautifies your garden but also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy eco-system.

Commitment to Conservation 

As a non-profit company, Seedball is driven by its mission to reinvest every penny back into the business and into various conservation efforts. We are super excited to say that this year, we have purchased old farmland in England which we will turn into a Seedball nature reserve. The Luna Nature Reserve stands as a testament to our company mission and our purpose – to protect and support Britain’s wildlife.

Alongside this huge milestone, we are also continuing to support a variety of amazing conservation charities, including The Wildlife Trust, Royal Entomological Society and The People’s Trust for Endangered Species amongst many more!

Zero Waste Week

Zero Waste Week is a time for reflecting, enhancing and raising awareness on the importance of reducing waste and adopting sustainable practices in everyday life. During Zero Waste Week, Seedball is encouraging everyone to do their bit for the ecosystem, whether that is reducing waste, switching to sustainable products, upcycling or rewilding with lovely eco-friendly seed balls. By incorporating small positive changes into your daily life, you can significantly reduce wate and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

For more information on Seedball and their products, please visit the website.

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